New shorts and clips uploaded daily.
Submit your requests and ideas in the TG or on Twitter to be included in the full feature eventual film.

How $FATMAN Rises? The Stages of $FATMAN
Stage 1:
- Fair Launch on Pump.Fun
- Dex Prepaid at 40k MC or King of the Hill ranking on Pump.Fun
- Teaser Trailer and Short Clips Drop on TG, Twitter, Website and more
- Raydium Migration
Stage 2:
- .5% Dev Wallet Burn
- Dex Ads
- Trending on all platforms
- Additional Clips and Scenes Drop on TG, Twitter, and Website
- $Fatman Meme Competition for Prizes
- Marketing and KOLs
Stage 3:
- Expanding the $Fatman universe
- Full Feature Film Drops on TG, Twitter, and Website
- CEX Listings - Bitmart, Phemex, BitMex, Coinstore
- Development of $Fatman Season 2