
The Legend of Fatman

Fatman GIF Neon Fatman GIF

New shorts and clips uploaded daily.
Submit your requests and ideas in the TG or on Twitter to be included in the full feature eventual film.
The Legend Of Fatman (2024) - Teaser Trailer
Fatman's Salad Dilemma
Fatman's First Presidential Debate
Fatman On Conan
Fatman Learns To Fly
Fatman and the Broken Ice Cream Machine ft. Elon
Fatman And The Pizza For Ants
Fatman Destroying Salads
I Am Fartman
$FATMAN Live on Pump.Fun (Short)
Fatman Rise Image

How $FATMAN Rises? The Stages of $FATMAN

Stage 1:
- Fair Launch on Pump.Fun
- Dex Prepaid at 40k MC or King of the Hill ranking on Pump.Fun
- Teaser Trailer and Short Clips Drop on TG, Twitter, Website and more
- Raydium Migration

Stage 2:
- .5% Dev Wallet Burn
- Dex Ads
- Trending on all platforms
- Additional Clips and Scenes Drop on TG, Twitter, and Website
- $Fatman Meme Competition for Prizes
- Marketing and KOLs

Stage 3:
- Expanding the $Fatman universe
- Full Feature Film Drops on TG, Twitter, and Website
- CEX Listings - Bitmart, Phemex, BitMex, Coinstore
- Development of $Fatman Season 2

Batman Photo Joker Photo New Batman Photo 1 New Batman Photo 2